Tuesday, April 24, 2007

T-Minus 9 Hours

I'm pretty much ready to go, I hope.
I'd have really liked to have taken my knee brace, but it seems to be
MIA. I'm taking it as a sign.

I still have to figure out the TSA lock. But as I'm not checking
anything in, I'll have the flight for that.

Oh yeah, I should clear up that misconception. Somebody wrote me
asking if I'd gone completely over the edge over the liquid/gel thing
and what all was my problem, etc. Just put it in the bag that I'll
be checking.

Weeeeeelllll, there be the problem...MJ signed us up for the Rick
Steves Southern Italy tour. I don't remember what it's called cuz
um, right much reading to do on the plane. Rule #1 for ole Rick (and
therefore for MJ as well) NEVER CHECK BAGGAGE. So you're only
allowed one carry on, and one personal item/bag. I've fit 3.5 weeks-
worth of clothing and personal items for that time frame.
Toiletries??? Well, that's gonna be part of the adventure, it would

Okay, I've got a couple more places to look, and a couple more things
to stuff here and there...and a couple more projects to scratch my
head over.

My flight leaves at 6AM, urgh...so I'll be getting up in a few
hours....more urgh....
I'll be officially back on May 19th, but if I can sneak some internet
time...maybe I can keep you posted.

Ciao! (That and "No capisco l'Italiano" is about all the real
Italian I got from the Italian CD I have on my iPod...I am in
SOOOOOOO much trouble.)


Bezzie said...

Ha ha! Have a great time!!

NotScarlett Sarah said...

You're gonna have SO MUCH FUN!!!

Anonymous said...

Have a blast!!!