Thursday, June 22, 2006

5 Minute Post: Hangin' w/Old Friends

More like takes FOR-EV-ER for anything to load when you have a time limit, I swear.

Hanging out with people, FRIENDS, really that "knew you when" is nice. It's like being able to pull on your battered sweat pants, favorite sweater, and fluffy bunny slippers (if you so have...sadly, mine died in gradeschool) and sit and watch the snow fall in front of a roaring fire-comfy.

When you get to the "10-year" mark, there's no need to hash out what you've been doing every minute of the day since the last time you saw someone. Unless, you know, it involves marriage, kids, divorce, whatever, and then it's a 30 minute summary more than anything. Once you hit the 14-yr mark, you can sit in silence and digest your meal and wine without the need for any talking. There were moments of this, cuz, we all like sitting quietly and digesting...but there wasn't the uncomfortable silence of "new" friendships, you know? I guess that's the sign of a good friendship (for me at any rate), how soon can you slip into comfy silence? Decades? Years? Months? Days? Hours?

Anyhow, it's 5 minutes and I gotta go to work.

Sprint blogging...what a concept :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh friends, you know I never went to my 10 year runion, and probably won't go to any of the other, I wasn't close to anyone in high school. In fact the only person I've consistently stayed close with is family, one friend who I lived with for 2 years, and my husband.

Spring blogging, I like it.