Monday, April 06, 2009

Two Steps Forward...

Like getting serenaded* with Whitney (love the hair!**) yesterday at the park wasn't enough to pitch me head first into the 80's...I now have Paula Abdul in all her dancing glory + cartoon cat jumping around in my know the one that goes, sadly, "Two steps forward, two steps back..." But not in the happy-rappy-dancy way?

This is what my socks looked like on Sunday, basking in the sun, having a fabulous time at Gasworks Park as I waited the arrival of L&L&T&B.
Tokena Progress Shot
This is also what my socks look like again tonight, after "tinking" back the measly 7 rows I painstakingly added to the sock on the right as I realized that somehow? Maybe too much sun? Maybe too many small children and dogs and people with kites? The sun? I completely and totally IGNORED what the chart said to do and put in a couple rows that had absolutely nothing to do with the pattern.

It's not going well, people. Cuz, baybee opposites are not attracting. (Here, get it out of your system, and yes, it really is as bad as you remember it.)

Yeah, good times.

*By serenaded I mean that one lonely guy in that tiny red fishing boat with the very loud speakers and the very dated soundtrack...but it did cause both L&L to burst into song...

**Actually I do love that bow. If that isn't the precursor to the Aretha hat (which I still think I could pull off, shut up) I don't know what is. (ZOMG! Did you know Aretha appears on the video? It's a sign people! Okay, must go away now.)


tana said...

This type of post is what keeps me coming back to your blog. Awesome. Also, love the knitting and the socks and the color of the socks. I also love that you were sitting in the sun knitting them. Wanna know why? Cuz that means that I also had sun and whoopie! did I go nuts at Home Depot in the Garden Department? Yes I did.

Laurie in Maine said...

Glad I'm not the only one who finds they've just knit stitches in random order that had NOTHING to do with the damn pattern.

For good measure I even toss in a purl or two and then look back and wonder what the... luckily I never got past the 18 stitches of the chart and the last one not matching snapped me back to attention.

I'm form Purl & Prejudice here to cheer you on. GO TEAM P&P!! :)