Monday, July 23, 2007

No Really, Italy

I ran across this picture tonight and I had to try to figure out when I ended up in England... I love the fact that when you travel any and all thoughts you had in your head of what a place is "supposed" to be like get blown off into the um fog.

I'm at a loss for the name of the place...on the Island of Sicily...where the dracula castle was...starts with a "C" maybe?

Anyhow... this picture best describes how I felt this morning going in to work. I could have sworn I was back on the Big Island. It is so very humid and balmy and kinda that muggy feeling when the trade winds have stopped blowing before they took all the clouds away...

Maybe that's why I sneezed the other morning? Just the one time? Cuz my body thought there must be VOG around somewhere?

I dunno...

These are my 10:30 PM thoughts after my first almost full day back at work. I ducked out 1/2 hour early...72 hour recovery period? HA...Well, I am almost better...but it's that "almost" that changes everything when you are on the "having sneezed" side of the recovery window.

I'm not making sense. I am exhausted and to bed go I afore I make much more fun of myself.


more cowbell said...

What a gorgeous picture! (and I thought you had taken it right here at home...)

Anonymous said...

Wow, look at all that dementor fog. :) I'm glad you made it through your first day back at work.

Anonymous said...

Ugh, I'm so sorry about your mouth. I hope it gets better really quickly. And that picture is amazing!