I'll be some assistant's assistant...I actually am not sure what all my assignment entails until I get there, but it takes place in the accounting dept. of "big corporation." I'll be on the 40th floor of some huge building downtown. Yes, that's right, 40th. Have I ever mentioned I'm not all that good with heights? Fun times, oh yeah.
Anyhow, I've been super bad about embarrassing friends and family with this lately, but I actually remembered this one...it's cuz of little xmas, and he knows it:
Happy Birthday Thane!
Good luck with the new gig!
Best wishes on your new job! Just don't look out the windows and maybe you won't think about where you are.
Good luck with the job. But if the windows are closed, you should be pretty safe up there. If they're open... well... Don't go near them. That's my advice.
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