Sunday, September 03, 2006

Your Mom Is So Cool!

Generally I have to scramble and scrape for blogging material.
Not as such today. I think I have to start with just now and work my way backwards...

Well, actually a few days ago:Can you all read this?
I got it on about Wednesday when I took a side trip home from work to check out the "local" bookstore (it's in a different city and about 3.7 miles from my house). Dare I plan to attend?

We-e-e-elll, I penciled it in. Couldn't hurt. You never know with a 3-day weekend.

Then after the migraine recovery and the dead-tired feeling and the laundry and the "let's go to Discovery Park," and the "let's walk (hike) the 3 mile loop trail" (my idea, I blame only myself), and the "man I'm hungry let's go get a burger!" I wasn't all that sure if it was gonna happen.

And yet, somehow, Andy got me home by 4:50 PM.

I'm starting to hit the "rum-dummy" stage (it's been a LOOOOOONNNNGG day), so I'll type faster...

I ran in, packed my copy of Knitting Rules! (which I got at a discount from Norma's Yard Sale), my green sock, and a couple bucks for a mocha, cuz man, I was hurtin' for a nap and caffeine is my friend. I arrived in time to order the mocha and hear them announce the "5 minute warning."
I borrowed Andy's camera. This is the ultra zoom mode as I was sitting (mocha in hand--thank you Egyptians and my Aztec ancestors for giving us the ingredients for such a lovely beverage) in the very last row in the very last available chair.

It's not so much a "reading" as a talk, which was really cool. Having worked in bookstores in the past I've gotten a chance to hear a bunch of authors read from their work. Yeah, well, they are called AUTHORS and not READERS for a reason. Stephanie basically gave a talk focusing on or around her and her writing. Most of her material did come from the latest book and it's such a trip and a treat to hear it straight from her, this is not always the case, mind. Now it's really neat to put a "voice" to the words I read.

Oh, and be able to knit while doing so, and it NOT be considered rude? That was just beautiful.

You know what I wish I could do? I really wish I could tell her kids how cool their mom is. This of course means JACK coming from me, as I am not exactly the epitome of cool. Anyway.

But look! Star-struck me says, "SHE HELD MY SOCK!
And I somehow remembered the English language when I told her I finally found the wooden sock suitcase I'd been searching for! (Another topic I should blog about, but time/ know how it goes, soon. If you've been looking for it and/or Joan's new email address, and just can't wait? Here: jhd [at] atlanticbb [dot] net--replacing the symbols for the words in the brackets).

I don't know what else I babbled...Cool? No, it's definitely not MY picture by that definition. Maybe I should look under "dork." Somehow I was able to ask for this:
See, during the question and answer section of the program, someone asked about what to do with snarky comments from people who say that it's rude that we all knit AND do things like have conversations and watch the sights and all.

Her advice was simple, we have to communicate the fact that we ARE listening/looking. We're actually multi-tasking and really we should treat the yarn as "enhancing" the experience. OR, she said, she could write this woman a note.

I decided to go for the note.

I am in desperate need of unconsciousness now, as the adrenaline has just about finished dissipating. What a trip today has been! Woot! (I think when they put super-mega-dork in Webster's? Yeah, my picture, definitely.)


Anonymous said...

Terrific! That's so wonderful that you got to go. I'm wondering if she'll come to Atlanta or if she's already been.

Bezzie said...

Ha ha! That's awesome...nothing dorky at all! And you'd better not wash that sock now! Hee hee!

Kristy said...

Hurray for you!! What a great weekend. I just discovered that she is going to be sort of in my area this weekend. Do I dare try to convince someone to drive me the two hours to see the Harlot? We'll see!

P.S. You are right - my instarsia duck is just fine for the other duck. Don't worry about converting that pattern. I will use this one. Thank you, though, for the offer.

Jillio said...

lucky bum!
hey wait...
what is that she's holding? that thing that she's holding with your sock? what IS that!?
that was one lucky sock.

Jillio said...

actually, what i meant to ask was "where did you get it?" the sock suitcase thingy. starstruck by the harlot pic. struggled trying to find the right words. oy.

Jillio said...

okay, i'm a total dork. i keep glazing over the copy beneath the harlot's picture. nevermind the first two comments. i think i need to like...i don't know...think. yeah.