Sunday, February 08, 2009


- A very bad dream forced me out of bed just a bit ago.

- While I was making coffee to distract myself from the dream...I smashed one of my favorite mugs to pieces.

- Coming into this room to lament about the cup and think about not thinking about the dream...the lightbulb blew out as I flipped the switch.

If I were full-blown superstitious I might crawl back into bed right this minute.

Instead I choose to thing of the "bad things happen in threes" scenario. I'm done for the day, nothing but rainbows and lollipops from here on out, right? Right.

Okay, the yarn I picked for a prize was already chosen....but I'm totally gonna ignore that one because I'm going to have a good day, damnit!

To brighten anyone else's Sunday that is going into the pooper: Seth Meyers on the Michael Phelps thing...

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