Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dear God, It's Almost March...

And did I mention this is Seattle and not oh, I dunno, Lake Tahoe?

Yes, yes, I remember sitting around with Andy watching the snow engulf us the day his nephew was born. In June. We even took a picture.



But as I said, that was North Lake Tahoe over a mile closer to the sky and stuff.

But, snow?

In Seattle?


Though the later it gets the less and less likely it will be that we city-folk see any...but to the North and South they are buried. This means I will still have to call my mom to let her know that I am not in winter wonderland. No matter how many times they say Bellingham, Darrington, and who knows what other places that are NOT Seattle.

This is, after all, the same person who would call me in Santa Cruz, CA asking if I'd felt the earthquake that occurred 80 miles to the North of San Francisco...and would worry about my being in the Northern part of the state of Michoacan when all those people in the state of Chiapas were rebelling.

Maps, they make the world look a little small sometimes. I guess it's a good thing she never knew about the active volcano on the island I used to live on...

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