Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's Only Pretty if You Don't Have to Go Mucking About in it

I'm sorry I doubted you, oh Gods of Snow & Icy Roads. Or maybe it was the trees? Because up close as they are? They look kinda sad and dejected and full of remorse. But with the way they've been whipping about this morning? The gusting winds should soon have them cleared of most of the snow. But um, hai? GUSTY? WINDS?

Winter is just letting us know that the groundhog was right.

But those same gusty winds are showing some blue sky a'la Tahoe...and that is just so perty. Man I am so rockin' the nostalgia right now.


Anonymous said...

Your snow pictures are prettier than mine. *sigh* Oh spring, come quickly!

Bezzie said...

And in the dog days of summer, you'll be looking at this post wistfully ;-)

Beth said...

The picture is so pretty (when I don't have to be out in the snow!).