Hit my head so hard I saw stars:
Is there a command for double extra bold?
I think I might be smarter now were it not for the blows to the head, really! No really.
I don't remember them all, but there's a scar over one of my eyebrows that marks the first time I fell head-first somewhere. I was MONTHS old. I'm sure I saw stars, must have.
There were enough bonks through childhood to make me really NOT like hitting my head, to the point of crying in my college years when head-bonking occurred. Others laugh, get angry, I break down. I mean, hi, I've gotten a blow to the back of the head from a boom (not broom, boom, the bottom "tube" a boat sail rides on? Yep, that one) that gave me a borderline concussion, the stars, the tears, the nausea...fun times.
Forehead hurts are especially remembered this morning.
I was just writing about remembering getting hit by an old, unused Tether-ball pole--you remember how they embedded pieces of metal tubing into cement-filled tires? Yeah, back before playschool was in charge of playground toys. Ummhmm. We didn't have Tether balls at my grammar school, so the boys used to run at the poles trying to "catch" the top and pull it down, like the "bounce-back-clown" the pole would not go down easily, so they were "airborne" for a bit as they swung around the pole. The trick was the "dismount," as they learned from my experience. DO NOT LET GO MID AIR, it will fly around uncontrollably and hit a member of the "audience" which will then be thrown across the playground...or that's how I remember it, but then again, HI I was the one who got her brains smashed?
There were stars. There was a huge and immediate bump that could not be hidden by my bangs. There was a trip to the office. There was NO ONE laughing that my uniform skirt had flown up when I landed. You know everyone was a little scared. There was my mom...I remember her having to come in to take me to the doctor. She thought I'd tripped or something (yes, full of grace even back then), which worked out well cuz we all didn't want to get the boy who did it into trouble.
So why the memory? Cuz I clocked myself "real good" on the CORNER of the bathroom sink yesterday and holy-mary-mother-of-god there were stars. There was also much more creative swearing and crying. But I still went to work. Though my scalp hurt too much to do anything with my hair, so I went kinda "wild woman." People noticed the hair, then they noticed the "divit" and then the bump. It was a bit TENDER all day. But that's what advil is for. Sleeping was a pain in the ass though. I didn't realize how much I like sleeping on my face until I kept waking up from lying on the bump...IT IS JUST NOT A NICE WAY TO WAKE UP!
Today there is less swelling, but a definite little red line has appeared at the hairline...which is weird cuz the bump and pain are over my right eye, but whatever, it HURTS to touch. I can comb my hair with minimal pain though, so no "wild woman" today.
Speaking of which, I've gone on for far longer than I thought I would. Happy Wednesday, no head injuries, they suck!
Should you go to the doctor to get checked? Head injuries scare me. And corners scare me. (Someday I'll tell you about the safety devices I put in place when my daughter was young.)
Been there... only it was that I tripped over a parked motorcycle while moving stuff into the garage, and of course not having free hands to catch myself hit my jaw... saw stars, chipped one tooth and had the other "mummify" over the years - as in, it killed the roots. Hope today is a better day!
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