Friday, January 09, 2009

Trying Hard Not to Vomit...

I just needed to get this out there...hopefully it's not jinxing me in any way...

I applied for a higher level job at work a few weeks (months?) back and promptly put it out of my head.  (Having worked in HR and knowing just how many RECs are open and how overworked they always are, it's best not to hold your breath when applying to any job.  It might be months before you get word yey or nay.)

Well, last week I was asked for more information.

Monday interviews were scheduled.

Today...interviews.  But when I left last night they were (to me) two easy-peasy one-on-one 1/2 hour interviews with the recruiter and he-who-would(/might)-be my new boss guy.  What do I have to lose?  If I don't get the job it's not like EVERYONE will know and it's not like I'm not like I'm losing anything but a bit of time and gaining a bit of interview experience to add to my arsenal, right?

This morning the butterflies started up when I read the updated invite from the recruiter...  I will be meeting with the entire team, all at once and for what will seem like an eternity of time.  I am trying my hardest not to freak out.  Panel interviews are not exactly my forte...


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! Congratulations on getting a call-back! My husband just got a promotion too. Very exciting.

You are going to rock the interview. YOU ARE GOING TO ROCK IT. Srsly. Have faith in yourself, take a deep breath and remember that the economy sucks big time and the fact that you are being considered for a promotion is a huge blessing. You are awesome and you deserve it because you work hard.

Congratulations!! Good luck!! Let us know how it goes!

(And don't throw up in the interview).

Bezzie said...

You'll do fine!! I kinda dig panel interviews. It's hard to get a LOT of people not to like you. ;0)

Beth said...

Oh no, I just read this on Monday evening. How did it go? I hope the interview went well!