But do you have to whistle? So damned loudly? When you're walking RIGHT TOWARD ME so I hear it full force? Like you want me to stop what I'm doing at the copy machine, look up at you, and smile or tell you what a great whistler you are?
Let me tell you right now, I'm not going to. EVER.
Call me old fashioned, but whistling and busting out into song while people around you are trying to have conversations with outside businesses and the like? So not professional.
I mean, yeah, I have been known to hum while I wash my Tupperware IN THE KITCHEN...but not while, say, scanning the eleventy million credit card statements while inches away from people who are busy with other work stuff. But hey, that's just silly old (grumpy) me.
This people, is why they invented ear buds, seriously. Now if only I could get away with wearing them when I go off to collect my print jobs and make copies...
SO ANNOYING!!!! I'm with you.
The least a person could do, if they are so not bothered by having to be at work, is to not rub it in your face.
As a whistler, I have to say, I don't always know that I'm whistling. I have told my officemate that she can feel free to chuck something at me if I get too loud, to distracting or too annoying.
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