Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Random Picture Wednesday

I think I like this title for Wednesdays; hope no one minds.

So I was just gonna cut and resize until I only had the socks in the frame, but Andy thought that was just plain silly. Besides if Sergio and Bea (Andy's Dad & Mom) are reading, they'll be sad I didn't show baby D's face. So here he is, sportin' some Tactless Booties :). I mean, Debbie Bliss 2-Needle Socks, or whatever they're called :).

Speaking of pictures...I need to know, my 2 or 3 readers, just out of curiosity, how important is your passport picture to you? What I'm aiming for here is, do you care that you look lame in a picture that is yours to keep and show to foreign and sometimes rather handsome custom/coast guard/entry officials for the next 10 years?

I had this conversation today with the fellow at a "shall remain nameless" photo place where I was taking passport pictures. I mean, well, I've had an up to date and current passport since I was 14 or so...16 maybe? Whatever. I'm going on 32 now, and the next time I hit the renew button for this guy I'll be (GULP!) 42 (!!!). Do I want to cringe every time I flash my document? Especially with all the new rules and regulations (laws?) surrounding travel that are starting up this December??? easy 20 minute "drive in to Tahoe City, take pics, pay $12 and off I go" turned into a 1.5 hour "where the heck is this place, can I park here, sorry lady I have to do it again, am I standing where I need to be-did you just take my picture, $12 for my hair to be all messed up and me not looking right at the camera, not happy, are these even the right size, drive to Incline Village to find 1 hr place, they're on vacation until after I leave for Seattle, find the post office, hi, pay $15, you look frazzled, sit down a minute, here's a mirror, how are you, meet the guy who grew up in the house that the KB Library used to be, deep breath, here are your pictures, have a nice day" experience.

Except for that last bit, meeting the guy who grew up in the house that the KB Library used to be, I feel a bit miffed about the experience. Picture taking is traumatic enough for me. I don't like being on the unfriendly side of the camera lens. Hello! Look at my profile picture! I'm looking at the Grand Canyon, no need to put my back against it and have the little magic box steal my soul! I mean, ummm, yeah, I don't like cameras much. No need to document that I'm older, have wrinkles, etc., I already know these things. I see them every morning. No need to freeze them in time. I guess it's the size of the matter. I don't feel this way about ID pictures. Probably because they're itty bitty pictures that are hiding behind the State of California Seal and lots of plastic and such. Most people don't even look at the face, they're more interested in seeing if your birth date is pre or post 1985.

Passport pictures are right in your face. They show how overheated or nervous or broken out you are. Lovely, yes. I'm reminded of my aunt's "traveling papers." She's a nun from Mexico and they used to have special traveling papers. Her "passport" was this huge document, on one side a picture of her with her hair brushed tightly back away from her face. No habit, no glasses (if you wore them), nothing. No smile either. On the other, what she would "usually" look like, habit, glasses, etc. When she showed it to me she also told me about the day they took the pictures.
It was HORRIBLE. There were these pretty young girls ahead of us who had gotten all made up and ready for their pictures (you only took one set and these papers were yours for EVER --NOT 10 years, FOREVER, eep). Their hair was done up nicely (it was the early 60s) in these gorgeous hairdos that had those cute bows in them, and their make-up was flawless. What they didn't know, what no one knew, was that the first picture they take of you is the one with NO make-up and your hair pulled back and flat, out of your face and in a bun. There was a basin, jug of water, and a coarse towel in the room. I think they did it on purpose. They had no heart.
So using perspective, yeah, mine was a cake walk. I guess I just wish it didn't have to be anything so grand and dramatic that I felt like sharing. Trauma and drama are not my thing. They give me rashes. Best to stay away from anything that makes me break out in anything, ya know?

Happy random Wednesday.

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